Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Turning that frown upside-down

You all know how miserable I've been lately (some more than others), and I try to avoid the things that trigger my depressive moods, such as being alone, talking negative, etc. These things work for a while, but that mood always creeps back up to me. Until yesterday.

I had the opportunity to do something nice for someone. A simple, thoughtful act. Within seconds my good mood doubled tripled quadrupled! I was astounded at how FAST I was able to kill that bad spirit and begin riding a high that has lasted me more than 24 hours.

Did I move mountains? No. Did it change the life of the person who I helped? Probably not. But it did change my life in a small way? Absolutely, yes.

I challenge you to do something nice for someone else this week. It doesn't have to be life changing. But, who knows. Maybe it really will change the life of the person most important--you!

Back blog:
I appreciate all of your comments even more than you can imagine. I wish I knew how to thank you all properly, but I'm at a loss for words when I read all the kind things you guys write to me! Your love is what keeps me going :)


Good Carma said...

You are so right, service to others creates love. I love the new look!!!! As uncle Keith would say styling!!!!

Good Carma said...
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Anaise said...

Hooray! :)

AD said...

There's something magical that happens when we forget about ourselves/issues/problems and focus on others, even in small ways. That's why service is on my must-do daily list!

So happy you are blogging again!

Judy said...

I'm going to use you as a testimonial that service is a great intervention for depression. It works great for me too, but out of the mouths of two witnesses is better...

Law Dawgs said...

I love reading your thoughts and feelings. I would really love to sit and have a long talk with you. I can relate in many ways and I would love to compare notes on our journeys. Let's go on a date--really!