Saturday, March 27, 2010


One day at a time.

I've been repeating it for nearly 2 months now. Why?

During one of my many weight-loss endeavors, I attended a 12 week course through a local hospital run by a licensed psychologist. One of the first things we discussed was the importance of mantras--phrases you repeat to yourself subconsciously. The hope is, through the literal beating of the phrase into your head, that it'll eventually sink in. A lot of people practice this for such things as boosting self-esteem, breaking bad habits, and for me, it's to stop me from crashing and losing hope.

So, on a day like today, where I just feel *blah*, I ate too much, and I had a severe lack of motivation, I just keep repeating to myself: Take it all one day at a time. There is no failure. There are no let downs because you get to start all over again tomorrow.

A new day has come :) And it will be better than yesterday.


Anaise said...

Thanks--I needed that.

Camille said...

oooooooooooo I love this song. Muy mucho. And keep up the good work, girly. Don't give up.