Saturday, March 27, 2010

Friday, March 26. I swear!

It's 1:15am on Saturday, but I haven't had a spare minute to write my blog yet! This counts as Friday's blog :D I went out with some girl friends tonight for a much needed dinner/movie/gab session. Oh, how I love getting out of the house!

The work news is that I'm getting a promotion, of sorts. My boss told me yesterday that he and I are moving to a different floor to start an exclusive department (my "department" has always been obsorbed by other, larger departments, me being the head, and several random employees acting as my back-ups). The hope is to hire a third person to help us, but for now, we get to do allllll the work. I'm excited and terrified at the same time.

this blog? I started on Monday and I'm doing pretty well. So far I've gone on a 30 minute (actually 28 minute) bike ride, walked Beesley to the park, cleaned my room for 15 mintues, and today, I read an uplifting article. Here it is!

Is it a coincidence that when I'm doing the things I'm supposed to be doing (IE: work), amazing opportunities come into my life? I think not :)

1 comment:

Ashley Marie said...

Congratulations on the promotion! :) Sounds exciting! I know you'll be amazing! You always are.