Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Someone is watching out for me...

I had a rough night last night. I really don't know what it was, but I just needed a good cry, I think. Thanks to my mom for being the unfortunate saint at the other end of the line as she listened to me ramble unintelligible sentences.

I've been working on seeing a counselor for months now, and I was at my wit's end. In an effort to try to reach one to schedule an appointment with (none of the previous inquiries had bothered to return my call), I, very much like a lunatic, began dialing any number I could find off the list of insurance approved psychiatrists. I left voicemail after voicemail each click of the phone making my heart sink even more at the though that, again, one would just brush me off.

I dialed the number of one psychiatrist whom shares my last name, and at 11:00 at night, I hear a "Hello?"

Finally. Someone cared.

She didn't let me get off that phone call for nearly 40 minutes. I left with her office number, cell number, and even her fax number and a promise, to be there, waiting for me at 6:00 on Wednesday.

I can't express how grateful I am that someone finally took the initiative to hear me out and talk to me like a human being. With every ignored call a literal slap in the face, I'm glad someone was there to pick me up.

Never underestimate the effect you have on someone in need.

Take the inititave and be that kind of person for someone else. There is nothing more angelic.


Rachel Leslie said...

Senf of Senfs, I think you are great. I'm glad you're not just updating your blog, but making such good posts.

Sara Boulter said...

Gosh I love you Malena. Your soul...your heart...you are amazing. Thank you for the reminder to love, to care. I will have your voice in my head as I go about my day tomorrow.

Thank you.

And I really do love you.

And if you ever want to cry to someone else, I'm soooo all over that.

Anaise said...

I've had moments like that--hang in there, they eventually go away. And you should certainly try talking to your Aunt Judy--she's a GREAT therapist who is willing to work over the phone with you!

And she loves you for real, for real.

As do I.

Judy said...

I had one of my big cries when I went to a counselor last week... oh, and then again on Saturday when I tried to do my taxes (life is SO UNFAIR that I have to do all this by myself!)... oh, and right now as I read your blog...

Crying itself is really therapeutic. Keep up the good work.