Thursday, March 11, 2010

Brief moments of inspiration

I am a genius.

One of the things I struggle with the most is the basics of dieting--drink 64 oz. of water a day, exercise 60 minutes a day, eat 5 fruits/veggies a day, etc. If I had to do EACH of these every single day for the rest of my life, I might die of fruit overdose.

Today, I came up with a BRILLIANT plan to try to incorporate each of these things into my daily life.

I made a list of things I want to start doing daily or weekly, and each morning, I pick one thing out of a jar. For that entire day, I must focus 100% on the goal. My hope is I can start to enjoy these activities, so I don't feel obligated and guilty when I DON'T do them. No more intimidation of never living up to the 10,583 standards dieters are subject to!

Here's my list so far:
  • Drink 64 oz. of water
  • Take Beesley on a 30 minute walk
  • Walk to the park and play fetch with Beesley
  • Take Beesley to the dog park
  • Use treadmill while watching one episode of L & O:SVU (I have 89 episodes on my DVR) :D
  • Clean house for 3-15 minute intervals
  • Eat 5 different fruits
  • Eat 5 different veggies
  • Reward day! Indulge in one craving.
  • Write TWO blogs in one day
  • Go for a half hour bike ride
  • Do something REALLY nice for someone
  • No sugar ALL day!
  • Go vegetarian!
  • Try a new recipe
  • Read an uplifting article (conference talks!)
  • Clean the kitchen spotless!

Can anyone think of anything else I should add? Comments are much appreciated!

By the way, YOU ALL ROCK!

Love, Me.


Anaise said...

I think you are exceedingly clever--you could add a whole grain goal, nothing bleached or processed.

Keep it up! :)

Judy said...

Nothing to add--except that you continue to teach me.

Rachel Leslie said...

This is such a great idea! I like the suspense of it all.

One thing I've started doing to eat more vegetables is to get a big bag of Spinach from Costco and add two big handfuls of it to my smoothies. I actually like it, though I usually don't like Spinach at all.

Karina said...

Great idea. Thanks for the inspiration.

Kimberly said...

What a great idea! I think I might have to copycat and try it out for myself!

Maggie said...

I like Michael Pollan's philosophy on eating: Eat food, not too much, mostly plants. Most people have no idea what food is and instead fuel their bodies with food products, not food. And don't go vegetarian. It's really not a healthy lifestyle and all the ones I know are severely overweight. They believe that eating cheese and fries is ok but won't eat lean, grass- fed bison. Go figure!