Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Malena vs. Motivation

There are some days when I feel SO GOOD! and I'm pretty positive I can take on the world. I feel like that right now.

But then, I get discouraged thinking of all the dozens and dozens of times I've failed and just how miserable of a climb this whole journey is going to be.

Is it realistic to be 100% positive 100% of the time? No.

Can I bottle up how I feel right now and take a peek into the full jar later when I'm on the verge of giving up and throwing my emotions into a large order of french fries? I wish.

I need to figure out a way to do just that.

Any suggestions?


Anaise said...

I fight this same battle myself--the only thing that keeps me going on "bad" days is remembering that "good" days always come back. I just have to hang on.

And turning to the scriptures helps, too.

Camille said...

Just don't do it. And repeat your mantra every day. Just don't do it. You have so much to fight for! you CAN do it baby!

Judy said...

No advice, but I sure hope you find a way to bottle up those positive vibes and then teach me! I feel EXACTLY the same way!

Cade said...

I was going to think only positively one time.....but then I thought what the hell good would that do?

Kateeteacupcake said...

I'll kick you.

Kelly said...

If it makes you feel better, I fail all the time at a lot of things I try and be good at. All I have to tell myself is it's not the end of the world, and I can try again.

No one's perfect (don't tell my mom that!) so stop sweating it and just keep those happy vibes with you! I'm rooting for you!