Sunday, November 2, 2008
One of those weeks...
Here's the lyrics. It really is a great song. Funny how lyrics can pick you up when you're down...
Lady Antebellum
"One Day You Will"
You feel like you're falling backwards
Like you're slippin' through the cracks
Like no one would even notice
If you left this town and never came back
You walk outside and all you see is rain
You look inside and all you feel is pain
And you can't see it now
But down the road the sun is shining
In every cloud there's a silver lining
Just keep holding on (just keep holding on)
And every heartache makes you stronger
But it won't be much longer
You'll find love, you'll find peace
And the you you're meant to be
I know right now that's not the way you feel
But one day you will
You wake up every morning and ask yourself
What am I doing here anyway
With the weight of all those disappointments
Whispering in your ear
You're just barely hanging by a thread
You wanna scream but you're down to your last breath
And you don't know it yet
Find the strength to rise above
You will
Find just what you're made of, you're made of
One day you will
Oh one day you will
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Adventures in Homeownership, Part 1

P.S. THE OFFICE! Gas station proposal! Let me know your thoughts!!! It was an amazing episode, no doubt.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
It's My Year!
Weight loss! I’m slacking! I need help! Two weeks ago I enrolled in a weight loss psychology class, and have learned a lot about myself and my habits in this short time. I’m very optimistic and am looking forward to getting back on track. Any help, suggestions, and comments would be much appreciated!
I want to get married. Yep. I’m going to be that blunt about it. I want marital bliss…and unbliss. This means I have to date…a heck of a lot more than I’m doing right now. Last year I had a goal to go on 12 dates (which would have over quadrupled the number I had been on my entire life), and I think I went on 6? It’s a start, but not quite what I’m looking for. 24 dates. That’s my goal. That’s two dates a month…a date every other weekend. That’s feasible, right? Check.
Malena will now be known as a social butterfly. I want to become more social, and need to find ways to do so. I’ve become slightly more social in the last few months, and am really enjoying getting to know new people and make more friends. Lets hope this can continue!
I love my job, but it’s dead end. I’ve tried three times within the last 6 months to advance, to no avail. I want to use the skills and dedication I have to be the best employee I can be, and am trying everything in my power to do so. If it means finding a new job, then so be it. I’ve been at my job for 4 years now, and I don’t want to leave, but I also want to progress, personally. Big career changes are coming this year.
Despite all the changes I am in the process of making, there is one thing I am very proud of having accomplished recently. I’m a homeowner! Okay…I’m closing on the 15th, but it’s basically mine. I found a STEAL, and am so excited to move in! I’ll be posting pictures as I remodel. Look out, handywoman on the loose!
Tomorrow is going to be a great day! 23 is going to be a great year!
P.S. Happy Birthday to my cousin Melanie tomorrow, too! :)
Blog song:
Lost-Michael Buble’…’cause I’m definitely not lost!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Please Be Patient!
In the mean time, check out this HILARIOUS Office video! It's not true, and everything has been completely taken out of context, but it made me laugh harder than I ever have before. Well, maybe not EVER.
Whoever made this is WAY too creative.
Monday, June 23, 2008
.4 away from a double quinceanera!

And, a picture of my nephew, because he's ADORABLE:
Anywho, in other news, I'm trying to buy a condo! Trying, as in I can't really find one. I've been paying rent for 5 years now, and I'm ready for my own place. I'm all set to buy, but the condos I like already have offers made on them, and are therefore slightly unavailable. One of the complexes that I'm considering is right across the street from my aunt AnnaMarie (cross streets are Dobson/Broadway). It's so close to my work (about 3.5 miles-hello biking!), and right by family. The housing market in the Phoenix area pretty much crashed a few months ago, so now is the perfect time to buy. I'll keep you all updated!
Song of the blog:
Rascal Flatts-"Shine On"
Shine on, my friends. Shine on.
Monday, June 2, 2008
24 Bikes
Part Uno:
24 is the magic number! I have lost 24 pounds as of 2 weeks ago. I didn’t get a chance to weigh in this week, because I was in Utah. Maybe in 3 weeks you’ll get to find out how much I lost this week, but for now, 24 is my new best friend.

Part Zwei;
I bought a bike! He is my old-new best friend. I LOVE him! I don’t know why I decided to buy a bike, or call ‘it’ a ‘he’ for that matter, but I’m sure glad I did. I am lucky to have some friends who are willing to bike with me, and I have enjoyed going on long bike rides with them every week. I say ‘enjoyed’ because I live in Arizona, and biking in our current weather is like a death wish. For the first few weeks I had the bike, I rode to work a few times (hello…12.02 miles!), and went on long bike rides almost every night. I wish I could continue to bike daily, but it’s not really possible. I’m anxiously looking forward to the cooler weather (in 6 months), so I can REALLY get into biking. I took my bike to Utah with me last week, and enjoyed riding it in the canyon and around the neighborhood.
When I told my dietician the amount of exercise I was doing with my bike, she just about died. I guess people my ‘size’ aren’t able to do that much exercise, and the fact that I was doing it, willingly, really surprised her. She commended my new hobby, and I am quite pleased with that.
Wow, did I really just make that whole paragraph into one sentence? Sharla, don’t kill me!
Any who, thanks for checking up on me, and thanks for your comments.
Until next time, I leave you with a very appropriate song for this blog.
‘24’ by Switchfoot. Funny video, too.
My favorite line: “I’m not coping out.” Darn right.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Coming Soon...
Thanks to my faithful, and oh-so devoted readers (*cough*cademelaniesharla*cough*), I have been warned that if I don't update my blog, I will be disowned from the family...seriously.
Here's to family threats!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Dieting, The Book of Mormon, the Gospel, Prayer, etc...
My reason for mentioning the things above is to explain why I’ve been able to lose weight. My hope is that someone can read this blog, become inspired and motivated, and begin their own journey. There are so many things I am doing differently with my current weight loss endeavor, and those things have made all the difference. I believe that I at where I am today because of the things that I have done personally to prepare for this journey. When I began reading The Book of Mormon and praying, I had no intentions of losing weight (even though I knew I needed to), in fact, it was pretty much the furthest thing from my mind at that time. As my relationship with my Heavenly Father grew, so did my desire to change several things in my life. One thing I’ve always wanted to do was to become more social, and with the help of wonderful roommates and friends, I now attend all the church activities I can, and I actually talk to other people. I try to sit with people I don’t know at church, and I frequently invite people over to the house (mainly to watch The Office… :). Weight loss just came along as a side thought one day, and without hesitation, I decided that was the direction I needed to go. The things that I started to learn about myself, and about my habits were so profound, that I decided to document it. Hence, the birth of a new blogger.
Every night I pray for strength with several things. I recognize that I can’t make any progress without the help of my Heavenly Father, and so I ask him to help me with specific things I struggle with. I used to have terrible cravings, and now I find those same things repulsive. I was just reading a talk from October 2007 General Conference by Elder Bruce D. Porter titled A Broken Heart and a Contrite Spirit. I line in that talk really stuck out to me: “When we yield our hearts to the Lord, the attractions of the world simply lost their luster.” I’m sure this statement can apply to several different things, but I felt like it really applied to my situation. I am praying to the Lord to help with my cravings, and now those things I used to crave have simply lost their luster. Amazing, eh?
I find that when I am reading The Book of Mormon, I come across verses that really stick out. It’s almost like they were put in there to help me, because they really have. Here are a few of my favorites:
2 Nephi 32:9 “But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul.”
Jacob 3:1 “But behold, I, Jacob, would speak unto you that are pure in heart. Look unto God with firmness of mind, and pray unto him with exceeding faith, and he will console you in your afflictions…”
Jacob 3:11 “O my brethren, hearken unto my words; arouse the faculties of your souls; shake yourselves that ye may awake from the slumber of death; and loose yourselves from the pains of hell that ye may not become angels to the devil, to be cast into that lake of fire and brimstone which is the second death.”
Mosiah 10:11 What not to do: “Now, the Lamanites knew nothing concerning the Lord, nor the strength of the Lord, therefore they depended upon their own strength. Yet they were a strong people, as to the strength of men.”
Enos 1:15 “…I cried unto him continually, for he had said unto me: Whatsoever thing ye shall ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive in the name of Christ, ye shall receive it.”
Now, I know that some of the scriptures might warrant an explanation, and that is something I will provide upon request. Each of these scriptures spoke to me at a certain point in my journey, and they aided in allowing me to overcome some type of obstacle. There are so many things pertaining to the Gospel that have helped me, and I wish I could list them all, but I’m afraid this blog would be never ending.
In closing, I am grateful for the trials I have faced in my life, they have only served to make me stronger. I know that if I’m looking for help with things in my life, I make sure that I have the important things in my life in order, and the help will come. It may not be in a way I want, or in a way I initially recognize, but it always comes. Again, I did not begin these small changes in my life with the hope of greater things coming about, but they did, and for that I am very grateful. It’s been six glorious months, and I’m in this for the eternal haul (if you will). I’ve lost 20.6 pounds so far and I’m loving life.

Saturday, April 19, 2008
The best Office episode EVER!
I'm so giddy, I'm making myself sick.
Here's another clip, from the second best episode ever. This takes place before the previous clip. Enjoy!
P.S. I bought a bike! More on that next time!
Monday, April 14, 2008
:) <----That's me-VERY HAPPY!
I went to Utah for conference last week, and got to spend some quality time with my family, including Lindsay and Natalie, who live in Oregon and Oklahoma, respectively. It was a much needed vacation (of sorts) and I was very happy to see my family, whom I miss immensely. I was lucky enough to travel with some good friends from my ward, and we had a really good time...all 24 hours in the car together. None of them had been to conference before, and one of them was just baptized in February, so it was nice to be able to be with them for their first live conference experience. Here are some pics:

I wasn't sure if I'd lose any weight while in Utah, but when I got back, lo and behold, I lost 5 POUNDS...or as my roommate, Lindsey says "That's as much as a premature baby!" This brings my total of weight loss to 20.2 POUNDS! YIPPPEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Me and my sisters!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Also, obviously this layout is a generic one, how do I make the layout my own? Melanie-I especially like yours. How do I do that?
Any other cool things you guys can help me with to add to my blog would be much appreciated!
Thanks for your help fellow bloggers!
P.S. Here is the picture of the stapler in Jello, as requested by Aunt Ellen.

Friday, March 28, 2008
Some pre-"diet" photos
P.S.-Stay tuned...I have a really good blog that I'm in the process of writing. It's called "Dieting & The Book of Mormon". Oh yeah, be excited.
With my rommate, Aubrie, at the Mesa Temple lights for Christmas
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Still going strong!
Since I've been gone, I have lost a total of 13 pounds (-1.2 pounds every week). I AM SO HAPPY! I went to San Francisco a few weeks ago for the weekend and still managed to lose weight that week...maybe because we walked everywhere. A few weeks ago I bought a new pair of pants that are a size smaller than I have worn, and not only did they fit, but the are ALREADY too big. Who knew?!
I met with my counselor for the 4th time last week and he basically told me that I don't need to be meeting with him anymore, because I'm already doing everything right. I never thought I'd hear that...I told him that I wanted to keep meeting with him, just in case. I have my second appointment with my dietician on April 1, and I will give updates on how that goes.
Thank you to everyone for your emails and comments. I appreciate them all!
Motivational quote of the week:
Monday, March 3, 2008
Back on track
Now that I pretty much have the first 10 pounds out of the way, I'm focusing on long term. I've proven to myself that I can lose the weight and now I need to work on keeping my motivation and determination. This is why I have failed in the past. I'm gung-ho about losing weight, but then I lose willpower, my cravings control me....yada yada yada. I know I have things in place to help me with this problem, but any help you guys can give me would be greatly appreciated. My counselor suggested I have people check up on me in a month or so. My gung-ho weight loss cycles last about 2-3 months, which means in the middle of March or April I might be running into some problems. If you feel so inclined, please shoot me an email (I'll list all my contact info below), a phone call, letter, etc. in the coming weeks to help me with this upcoming obstacle. I'm not anticipating any problems, but I know things happen, and live throws you for a loop. I'm more motivated now than I was when I started this journey, and that is something that has never happened. Thanks for the support!
Motivational song for the week:
"Right Now" by Van Halen (good lyrics!)
Monday, February 25, 2008
My cravings are slowly coming back. I'm doing a good job of avoiding the biggest cravings (fast food), but sometimes when you have parties and get together with friends over the weekend, it's like the cravings are intensified tenfold. Between BBQing with friends, a birthday party, and pizza with the missionaries, this weekend was BAD for my 'diet'. I've never been one to kick myself for messing up, or give up just because I've messed up once, but the problem is that I know there are going to be days and weekends just like this last one. I need to find a way to control my cravings, and stop eating food just because it's there. Why can't I just be full and stop eating? It's like my body doesn't know when it's full. Some advice and words of wisdom would be helpful...
I met with my counselor again on Saturday and it was kind of funny. He had several suggestions to give me, but I was already doing them. He told me he didn't know why I was meeting with him, because I'm doing most everything right. Don't worry...there are other things we need to work on, so I will keep meeting with him.
My dietician called me today with the results from my blood work. My cholesterol and glucose counts were really good, which means I'm not borderline diabetic anymore! Yipppeee!!!
On another good note, I lost another 2 pounds this week, bringing my grand total to: 7.4 pounds!
To answer Aunt Ellen's comment from my last blog: The dancing lessons are going great! I can't believe we only have 2 weeks left. If I can find someone to enroll with me, I would like to start more classes once these end. And...on that note:
Motivational song for the week:
Lee Ann Womack-I Hope You Dance
Monday, February 18, 2008
Counselors and Dieticians
First off, I lost another 1.8 pounds. 5.4 pounds total! The weight is coming off slowly, but that's not a problem!
On Tuesday I met with a counselor for the first time. I was a little nervous, but after just talking to him for a few minutes, I felt at ease. We came up with two things we're going to focus on in the coming weeks-two things that I feel are the biggest obstacles I am facing. I am extremely optimistic about overcoming these two things, and I know with all the help and support I am getting from people, and from Heavenly Father, I will succeed.
Today I met with a Dietician. Our meeting was PERFECT. It answered every question I had about my current 'diet' (which is eating in moderation). I'm finally ready to have a structured eating schedule, and hopefully that will speed up the weight loss. She told me that although I am on the right track (eating wise), I'm not eating enough during the day (who has ever heard of such a thing?!). Now that I know what I'm doing, everything is going to go so much better. She also told me that I need to get some blood work done, and that the last time I had blood work done, I was borderline diabetic. Not a pleasant thought...Good thing I'm losing weight and getting rid of my health problems!
The motivational song for the week is something I heard for the first time last week. I tried looking up a video for it on YouTube, but was only able find one. It's a sad video about a little girl who has Cerebral Palsy, but if you focus on the lyrics, you'll be able to understand why I chose that song. The lyrics are PERFECT.
"God Doesn't Make Mistakes" by Carolyn Dawn Johnson
Saturday, February 9, 2008
-2.2 this week
First-the exciting news for this week! I lost another 2.2 pounds, bringing my total weight loss to 3.6 pounds. I passed a certain number in my weight amount. A number that I haven't seen in a while, and I'm thrilled about it. Does this make any sense? Oh well...
I scheduled the appointment to meet with the counselor. I'll be going to that on Tuesday afternoon...I'm a little nervous, but I know I have to do it!
I met with a nutritionist about 2 years ago, but I wasn't ready to follow her diet plan, so I never went back. I called my doctor this week to see if I could meet with a nutritionist again, so I have that appointment scheduled for next Monday. I am doing really well with eating in moderation, and eating healthy foods, but I think I need some structure to what I'm trying to do. Hopefully this'll be accomplished by meeting with a nutritionist.
The weekly Latin and swing dancing lessons have pretty much become the highlight of my week (right up there with the weigh-in). I LOVE them! I'm really getting the hang of it. I like the Latin class because I get to dance with every guy in the class (I have NO problem doing that), and it's fun to see how different each guy leads you when you dance together. I'm having so much fun rotating around the circle that I'm really disappointed when the class ends. If you had told me a few weeks ago that I would be taking Latin and swing dancing lessons, and I'd actually be enjoying them, I would have told you that you were NUTS. Just ask my roommates-they tell me all the time that I've changed so much in the last few months. I am so happy with everything I'm accomplishing! I don't think I've ever been happier at any time in my life. I just wanted to let you all know that. I'm going through the hardest journey of my life right now, but I am so happy. Funny how that works...
Motivational song for the week:
"I Can See Clearly Now" by Jimmy Cliff
Sunday, February 3, 2008
1.4 and counting...
Well, it's a new week, and I am praying for strength to overcome this specific obstacle. I believe I will be able to conquer it, but it's going to be difficult. Any suggestions?
Our first weigh-in for biggest loser was this week. I lost 1.4 pounds, which I was very happy about. I know it's not a lot, but it's in the right direction, which is all I want. There are 8 people participating, and out of 6 that weighed-in on Thursday, we lost a total of 12 pounds. That's not too shabby! I recently found out that another department at my work (located in another branch) is also doing the biggest loser contest. I wish we could have started at the same time, so more people could participate. The leader of their contest happens to be my good friend, Brenda, and she's lost a total of 17.5 pounds to date. She's an inspiration to me!
More updates to come soon. Thanks for reading!
Motivational song for the week:
"Hero" Mariah Carey
Cheesy...I know, but listen to the lyrics. They're good.
Friday, January 25, 2008
It's been a great week
What a busy week! It was, however, a very good week. Here are all the exciting things that have been going on:
I've been taking my lunches to work, and have found that I am saving a ton of money. I used to go out to eat several times a week, and aside from the health benefits of stopping this, I have more money to buy better foods in the grocery store.
There's a few of us in my ward who want to go walking once a week, so we started doing that on Tuesday. It was really fun, and quite relaxing.
Our biggest loser contest started at work on Thursday. There are 8 people total participating and the contest runs for the next 12 weeks. I'm SO going to win. :)
I'm in my second week of dancing lessons. I go twice a week for Latin and Swing dancing classes with my friend, Max. I'm really enjoying this for two reasons: It gives me something to do, rather than sit at home and eat. And, it's getting me moving. We're not into the complicated stuff yet, but when we are, it'll be more like a workout. I've also realized that I don't have any hips (kind of mandatory for Latin dancing.) That'll be changing soon!
It's amazing that after only two short weeks, I'm already feeling better and noticing changes. My clothes are a little bit looser, I have more energy, I'm sleeping more comfortably, and it doesn't hurt so much to do little things (like walk around Wal-Mart for an hour like I did on Wednesday). When I weighed myself for The Biggest Loser contest yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I weighed a little bit less than I thought I did. The last time I weighed myself was about 2 months ago at the gym. I kind of wish I would have weighed myself a few weeks ago. Oh well. The past doesn't matter.
My heartfelt thanks go out to everyone again for the support and the comments you send my way. They make me cry, laugh, but more importantly, they keep me motivated and inspired. You are all amazing!
P.S. I'm going to respond to each of your comments individually this week. I've been neglecting that, and I'll make up for it this week. I'm sorry!
P.P.S. Another motivational song/video. Listen to the lyrics. They're pretty cool.Saturday, January 19, 2008
And the journey continues!
First, I want to thank you ALL for the outpouring of support and generosity towards me. I don't think you realize how much I appreciate it. I cried when I read each of your comments. I really did! Had I known I'd have so much support, I probably would have started this journey a while ago. Thank you for everything. I can do this, and I know you all are going to be able to help me. I love you all!
This week was really good. I haven't been on any strict diet plan-I don't want to start that until I talk to a counselor. This week I have been practicing moderation. I've been measuring my food, and last night when a few of us went to dinner, I split half my meal with my friend. Guess what? I was still satisfied! I wasn't "full", which was amazing, because everytime I eat out, I eat as much as I can. I didn't eat anything else for the rest of the night and I felt great! Today I went grocery shopping and bought a few health foods (hello, expensive groceries!), and some snacks that I can eat throughout the day so my 3 meals aren't as huge and heavy as they usually are.
My roommates have been amazing this week-when Anneliesa and Aubrie came home from playing tennis today, Aubrie came into my room and said: "Get your shoes on NOW, we're going on a walk!" I also went walking with a very willing Lindsey this week. I don't think I could have better roommates. Thanks for the support girls!
At work on Friday we had pizza ordered, and since I had a half day, and left work before the pizza even got there, I didn't eat any! I'm not even a huge pizza fan, but when it comes to food, I eat anything, and a lot of it. That's what my problem is...why do I have to eat, to just eat? If I don't like it, or am not hungry, then don't eat it (or I won't now!)
At work this next week, we are starting a "Biggest Loser" contest. There's a bunch of people at work on diets, so I though, why not make it into a contest? I've heard of a lot of companies doing the Biggest Loser, and I'm excited for us to start! More details and updates to come.
Until next time!
P.S. I have my 5 year high school reunion at the end of May, and I'm actually looking forward to going (plus it's a big motivator to lose weight!)
Monday, January 14, 2008
The beginning of a new journey
I'm tired of being overweight and I'm finally ready to do something about it. This is going to be the hardest thing I've ever done, but for once in my life I feel like I have things in order for me to succeed. I can't be like this anymore, and the more I realize it, the more I have the desire to change.
I guess part of the problem is that I've always been comfortable with myself. I have always hid behind my weight; the reason I only have a few close friends, the reason I'm not social, the reason I...blah, blah, blah. I'm tired of making excuses for myself. I am 22, and I have my whole life ahead of me, and I feel like I've wasted a significant chunk of it feeling sorry for myself. It's time to change. It's time to get my butt in gear, and do something with my life. I am attractive. I am worthy. I am going to make boys take a second glance when I pass by. Don't get me wrong: As much as I am looking forward the boys in the world having a good time getting to know the new me, I am not doing this for them. I am doing this for me. I am doing this for my future family, my future, my life...
No more Weight Watchers, no more starving myself, no more cravings, no more second helpings, no more deprivation, no more guilt, no more depression, no more 'I can't's. I'm attacking this thing from the inside out. I've never done this before, and that makes it all the more motivating.
Step one: Recognize I'm doing this for myself.
Seems simple, but nothing has ever been harder. It's taken me 22 years to figure this step out. I've always dieted for the wrong reasons. Yeah, I've had success, but then it ends. It ends, and everything goes back the way it was, but worse. This isn't going to happen. I will NOT let this happen. My life depends on this journey, and if the journey ends, so does my life. My dad died two years ago due to health problems that I believe could have been lessened if he had been able to lose weight. I think about him everyday, and wish that he could be here with me. He was taken from our family unexpectedly and too soon. I will not let this happen to me. I already have health problems associated with my weight, and I cannot let this continue. I'm doing this for myself, and I'm doing this for my dad.
Step two: It's all mental
I went and talked to my bishop a few weeks ago about the desire to start this journey. I came to him for counsel to help me figure out where I needed to start. The first thing he mentioned was counseling, and I believe he was inspired from Heavenly Father. This is exactly what I need. I'm starting from the inside out, and what better way to do that then to meet with a counselor. I'm looking forward to starting this in the next few weeks.
The biggest challenge I am going to be facing is support. Support from my family and support from my friends. I am asking all who have taken the time to read this for help. As much as I would like to do this by myself, I can't. This is where I have messed up in the past. I need, first and foremost, the help of Heavenly Father. He and I have had many conversations, and I have knelt many hours in prayer over this in the past few months. I recognize that I can't do this without Him. I know He's on my side, and because of this, I cannot fail. He's the only constant in my life, and what better person to have on your side, then you best friend. After the help of Heavenly Father, I am asking for the help of my friends and family. You have the power to change people's lives, to motivate and inspire, to bring happiness to those who are troubled, to bear one another's burdens, and to be a shining beacon when a loved one is lost in the darkness of despair. I need the help of people like this If I am to succeed. I ask, humbly, for the help that you can give me. If you're not sure how to help, think of yourself in my situation, and try to figure out what would help you.
Lastly, if there is anyone out there reading this that needs my help with their journey, I pray that you will ask. We can't change ourselves alone. I am available to help you out with anything that you need. Don't hesitate to ask.
I'm ready. Are you?
P.S. The song on this video describes how this journey is going to be. I've finally realized my dreams, and no one can take them away from me.
"Ride Of Your Life" by John Gregory
Friday, January 11, 2008
Last day!

Day five, Jan 11:
Not a whole lot to report today, so you’ll have to bear with me. We were at sea all day, and had several activities to choose from on the ship. Reva and I were going to wake up early and watch the sun rise over the ocean, so we requested a wake-up call to ensure we got up in time. Well, the wake-up call happened but it didn’t motivate us to wake up. We fell back asleep…a few hours later our phone rang again, and it was Erika letting us know that our group was getting our picture taken and they were waiting for us. We slapped our “Keith and Lara, January 2008” shirts on and practically ran to the area where the picture was to be taken. I’ve never gotten ready in the morning so fast in my life, except for the few times I’ve woken up late and was almost late for work. That’s beside the point…
After the picture, Reva, Erika, Kandis, and I all went to the Windjammer Marketplace and had lunch. Our assistant waiter for dinner was also our waiter for lunch. He’s the nicest guy ever. He’s very good about remembering our names. He speaks Spanish and talks to Kandis in Spanish whenever he sees her. I tried to speak the few words I know in Spanish to him, but I think I just made a fool out of myself…as usual.
Last night in the library, Cade took all of our digital cameras and put all our pictures onto his computer. After lunch, a few of us met in the conference center to look at all the pictures on a projector screen. We had a few technical difficulties, and instead of looking at the pictures, we watched several episodes of THE OFFICE! What more can I ask for? A cruise and The Office. I was absolutely in heaven. I even made a new boyfriend. His name is Dallin, and he’s six months old. He’s the happiest baby I’ve ever seen and I think he really loves me. Good thing, because that’s as close to getting a boyfriend as I think I’ll ever get. He’s the photographer’s son, and they were happy to let me play with him for a while. I love babies!
For dinner we ate lobster, shrimp, and a delicious sampler dessert. Our waiters all sang for us, and I have to admit, it was a little sad saying goodbye to them. The staff on this ship are the nicest people. They are so friendly and caring…maybe they just want big tips…it worked.
Cade got the pictures to work on his laptop, so after dinner we watched some of the 2,000 pictures that have been taken. I can’t wait to get all of those on CD.
Well, I’ve enjoyed writing this blog, and I hope you’ve enjoyed reading it. I hope you all get the chance to go on a cruise someday. It is an amazing experience and it makes you feel like a million bucks. Adios, for now!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Belize...the city of...lots of shopping?
Day four, Jan 10:
Hello! Our day was spent in Belize City, Belize. This country was not like I expected it to be…am I the only one who didn’t know that this country’s primary language is English? It didn’t feel like I was in a foreign country at all. Most of our group went on a cave tubing/zip line excursion, Reva went snorkeling, and I went on a train tour. There were about 30 of us on the train, and for over an hour we went all around Belize City, with a tour guide pointing out various points of interest. For the first half of the tour we went through the wealthier part of Belize City, including the residence of their country’s version of the Prime Minister (I can’t remember what he’s called). The second half took us through the poorest section of town. For the most part the people are very friendly, but there were a few people who yelled at our train as we passed. Seeing these people living in filth, and houses in shambles sure made me appreciate where I live, the fact that I have a job and a steady income, and a loving, helpful family.
After the tour I walked around the city and shopped for some souvenirs. I had to decline the offer for people to braid my hair about a dozen times. They were relentless. Can you imagine me coming back home with braided hair? HA! Not gonna happen. Or maybe it did…
I headed back to the boat, ate some lunch, and slept. Being in the sun and humidity sure wears me out. Reva and the rest of our group made it back in time for dinner, and we feasted on lamb, shrimp, and chicken. For dessert we had the most delicious, rich chocolate cake I’ve ever had in my life.
After dinner, a group of us met in the library for a Sudoku challenge. My aunt Ellen won, much to everyone’s disappointment. J We socialized, shared pictures, played games, and I had a nice chat with my cousin Adrianne and aunt Martha. Most of us headed off to the Love and Marriage gameshow. They selected couples out of the audience according to how long they had been married. Newlyweds-5 years, 6 years to 25 years, and 25 years +. My cousin Sharla and her husband Jeff tried to get picked for the 6-25 year slot, but they ended getting second place for it. Grrrr! The gameshow was hilarious and we all had some good laughs. Everyone was off to bed after that, and I find currently find myself sitting in the Centarium listening to live jazz music and having appetizers and drinks brought to me. I could sure get used to this!
Tomorrow we’re at sea all day and will arrive in Ft. Lauderdale by Saturday morning. If I do anything worth writing about, I’ll update my blog. I hope you have all enjoyed reading all of this…If there are any of you out there actually reading it…
More to come!
P.S. When I get back to AZ I will post pictures of the cruise on here. On the ship I’m charged per minute for the internet and I don’t want to pay a huge bill to post pictures. Check back on Sunday or Monday for pics.
A day in Mexico
Day three, Jan 9:
Hola from Mexico! Cozumel was our port of call today. For breakfast (before we docked at Cozumel), Reva and I went to the main dining room and were seated with a group of 8 women from New York. I didn’t know they sat you with other people, but it was nice to get to know some others.
After breakfast, Reva set out on a horseback riding adventure. I decided to go shopping with my aunts and uncle. Uncle Dan, aunt Vickie, aunt Ellen, aunt Marian, aunt Annamarie, and I took a taxi uptown and walked along the busy street going into various souvenir and jewelry stores. Annamarie was on a quest to find an amethyst ring, so we went to several jewelry stores before she found the perfect one. After a few hours of shopping in the heat and humidity we started getting tired and hungry and headed back to the ship. Let’s just say, I am SO GLAD I bought Crocs yesterday. Oh my holy Hannah. They sure paid off. We all ate lunch together at the Windjammer Marketplace before I went back to the room and crashed for a few hours. It’s so nice to take a nap in the middle of the day! I should try it more often.
Dinner was good tonight. I had a NY strip steak. With steak given as an option on your menu for your entree, always choose it. Normally I have steak, like, twice a year? I sure feel like I’m living the high life! During dinner our waiters all danced together, and then we all stood up and danced the Macarena. That was pretty funny to witness.
Our ship took off right as dinner was ending and I immediately got a little sea sick. For some reason the ship is rocking a lot more tonight, and my stomach isn’t liking it. I fell asleep after dinner to see if that would help my stomach, and completely slept through the scavenger hunt show that I wanted to go to. I’m sitting on my bed writing this, and my stomach is not havin’ a good time. Bleh…
Tomorrow we’re stopping in Belize! More to come soon…
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Nautical Notes
Congratulations to Keith and Lara! Today they were wed on the beach at Fort Zachary Taylor state park in Key West, FL. Here’s how the day went:
We arrived in Key West at 6am. The wedding group (all 85 of us) met on the dock and walked to the train that took us to Fort Zachary Taylor. When we got to the Fort, we were led to the beautiful wedding area, complete with a harp player, flower pedals scattered across the sand, and LOTS of snap-happy relatives. Seriously, I have never seen so many people taking pictures in my life. I love it! The bride walked down the aisle escorted by her two young sons. She was radiant! After the ceremony (performed by my cousin, Cade), we all gathered for group pictures. This was a little crazy, considering there were so many of us, and we had to stand on big rocks overlooking the beach. Standing on the big rocks included my aunt Marian almost losing her life by falling backwards. Good thing Reva was there to grab her hand before she fell. Good times, indeed.
After the pictures we headed back into town for the reception, held at The Rooftop Café. This place was amazing. The weather was perfect, the food was great, and the company was entertaining. After getting tipsy on virgin Pina Coladas, we were able to watch the bride and groom share their first dance as husband and wife. It was really cute, especially when Keith started dancing with Jentri, his 9 year old daughter, and the other couples in attendance started dancing. The toasts followed the dancing, and then came the cake cutting/stuffing. By the time this was all over, it was almost time for us to head back to the ship. Reva and I stopped at a shoe store so I could buy my first pair of Crocks. Hello?! Where have these shoes been all my life? Had I known these shoes were so comfortable, I would have bought them a LONG time ago! Here’s my plug for Crocks: Go buy some.
After more pictures, we all met in the Starlight Lounge for drinks and socializing. At the end we watched a video that Keith made for their wedding. You know, that sappy video that every wedding has to show pictures of the bride and groom from the time they were babies up to now? Well, Keith did a good job, because the video was really good and really touching. Keith and Lara went through a lot before they finally met and married. Everyone in our family is so happy for them.
Dinner tonight was a formal affair. For the appetizer I ordered escargot! My uncle Dan told me I should, and I am sure glad I listened to him. I love trying new foods, and this was a good new taste for me. It’s not as bad as you think! Try it sometime. For the entrée, I ordered roast duck (which tasted like a mix between chicken and turkey). Escargot, duck, and a delicious double strawberry cheesecake for dessert. I feel spoiled!
Sometime after dinner we all met up in the Solarium and watched Keith and Lara take the plunge…literally. They both jumped into the pool in their wedding clothes. Yes, Lara in her big white wedding dress, and Keith in his suit. Lara’s brother, uncle Dan, and Cade jumped in with them (all in their clothes too). My uncle LaMont then dragged my aunt Ellen over to the pool and made her jump in with him. Needless to say, LaMont and Ellen are my new heroes. What a crazy bunch of relatives I have…good thing I’m not related to them…oh, wait…
Tomorrow we’re stopping in Cozumel, Mexico for a few hours. More to come tomorrow.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Greetings for onboard The Enchantment Of The Seas!
Greetings from onboard The Enchantment Of The Seas! It’s late, and I should be going to bed, but I have so much to write about! The rocking ship and the darkness of our stateroom is lulling me to sleep…
First, some background on why I am on this cruise. My uncle Keith is getting married to Lara on Jan. 8 in Key West, FL. He invited family and friends to accompany him on this cruise and attend the wedding. Because I happen to really like my family, and because I am a firm believer of traveling at every opportunity possible, I decided to go. I invited my friend, Reva Story, to go with me. Reva and I were coworkers in Logan, UT, while we both attended Utah State University. We were also roommates for the summer. She’s my long-distance travel buddy, so it’s only natural that I’d ask her to go with me. There are around 85 people in our group, and I’m enjoying getting to know every one of them.
Day one, Jan 7:
I arrived in Ft. Lauderdale a little after midnight yesterday (okay, technically today), after spending 4 ½ hours on airplanes (that‘s two more states to check off my list for my goal to visit all 50 states). I don’t mind airplanes, but I sure get bored…quick. I’ve flown numerous times before, but I have never, in my many flights, traveled with anyone. Maybe that’s why I get so bored. I saw my cousin, Nathan Pearson, who also lives in Phoenix, at the airport. Turns out we were on the same flights to Florida. Small world! He is also going on the cruise.
Reva picked me up from the airport and we headed off to our hotel. Our ‘God-awful” (Reva’s quote) pink hotel. In the afternoon we drove to a pier at ate fish and chips overlooking the ocean. How AWESOME is that?! Fish and chips on a pier. It doesn’t get any better than that. Before we knew it, it was time to head off to Port Everglades to board our cruise. When we returned our rental car, I bumped into my aunt Arlene and 3 of her grandkids. Small world, again!
There is only one word to describe the ship: gigantifreakinormous. There are so many things to do on this ship. After checking out our room and saying hi to a few family members, we had our muster drill (that’s probably not the exact term…deal with it). Basically, we all had to put our life jackets on and meet in groups out on the deck to go over some safety items. Seeing hundreds of people in life jackets climbing the stairs sure reminded me of the movie Titanic. It was kind of funny…in a morbid sort of way. After the drill, we had dinner in the formal dining room. Prime rib. Need I say anything more? We have assigned eating times at assigned tables, but it was okay, because the people we got to sit by are some of my favorite family members! My aunt Ellen, my cousin Cade and his wife Jill, my cousin Kandis and her friend Erika, my aunt Martha, my cousin Adrianne, and my aunt Marian all sat with us. What a fun group of people!
After dinner, Ellen, Kandis, Reva, Erika, and I went to the Orpheum Theater to see a comedian. I’m blanking on his name…His act was pretty funny, but definitely not as good as the last comedian I saw, Jeff Dunham. He’ll be hard to top. Most everyone called it a night after this. The big day is tomorrow at our first port of call, Key West. More to come tomorrow!