Yes, friends, not only is Malena a bad blogger-updater, but she has now lost 29.6 pounds!!! Holy crap! Am I forgiven for not updating my blog, Cade?
Here's the most recent picture of me, taken about 3 weeks ago (with my killer new haircut and my new favorite [smaller] shirt!):

And, a picture of my nephew, because he's ADORABLE:
Anywho, in other news, I'm trying to buy a condo! Trying, as in I can't really find one. I've been paying rent for 5 years now, and I'm ready for my own place. I'm all set to buy, but the condos I like already have offers made on them, and are therefore slightly unavailable. One of the complexes that I'm considering is right across the street from my aunt AnnaMarie (cross streets are Dobson/Broadway). It's so close to my work (about 3.5 miles-hello biking!), and right by family. The housing market in the Phoenix area pretty much crashed a few months ago, so now is the perfect time to buy. I'll keep you all updated!
Song of the blog:
Rascal Flatts-"Shine On"
Shine on, my friends. Shine on.
You will be forgiven once you blog weekly for a month. Way to go on the 30 lbs! I'll give you the benefit of rounding up. Your looking great and I know that you are feeling like a million bucks.
When I ran the marathon I was 25 lbs heavier than I would have liked. To think that others had the benefit of running without carrying a bag of sugar would have been amazing. Just think about biking without a 30 lbs bag of sugar? How many more pounds until your goal?
Hip Hip Hooray! Way to stick with it!
We have really gotten into biking, too. It's such a great entertainment/form of exercise. Beats walking anyday. Unless you are in a Phoenix summer and then neither is very fun. Swimming??
Good luck with the condo! I hope you can find one close to work so you can bike it! That would be awesome. Soooo hip!
You go girl!! That is so amazing and the pics of you with the new cut are great! Keep up the good work! Also, good call on buying a condo. It's really fun to own your own place but houses are A LOT of work for a single female(just ask my dad, I call him every other day with a list of projects I need him to do for me!). Anyway, at least with a condo you don't have to worry about yard maintenance. Good luck finding one!
You just never cease to amaze me. You might not blog as often as we would all like but when you do it is GREAT. You look so adorable. Love the new hairdo. Wow. Soon to be a homeowner. Glad you are looking close to Anna. Maybe we can see you once in a while.
It IS a killer hairdo, and now it's my favorite shirt of yours too! P.S. It's also a killer smile. BTW, don't pounds just MELT off in Phoenix in the summer? :)(yeah, I know, in our DREAMS...). Things are SO paying off for you, Melena! Keep on doin' what you're doin'...
Way to GO MALENA!!! You look fantastic. I LOVE the hair! I'm so happy for you!!
Malena, I am so proud of you! You are awesome. I love your determination! I think it runs in the Pearson family! Oh, wait, that's called stubbornness! J/K!!! Thanks for your example. Sure love ya babe!!!!!
Fabulous! Simply fabulous!
Cute new hair style! Also, way to go on the weight loss! You're doing wonderful! And although I don't understand a lot of spanish, I actually got that one! =0)
awesome girl! I am so impressed with you! I LOVE the hair! Will you come to my blog and tell me what you eat? PLEASE! Love ya!
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