Thursday, January 10, 2008

A day in Mexico

Day three, Jan 9:

Hola from Mexico! Cozumel was our port of call today. For breakfast (before we docked at Cozumel), Reva and I went to the main dining room and were seated with a group of 8 women from New York. I didn’t know they sat you with other people, but it was nice to get to know some others.

After breakfast, Reva set out on a horseback riding adventure. I decided to go shopping with my aunts and uncle. Uncle Dan, aunt Vickie, aunt Ellen, aunt Marian, aunt Annamarie, and I took a taxi uptown and walked along the busy street going into various souvenir and jewelry stores. Annamarie was on a quest to find an amethyst ring, so we went to several jewelry stores before she found the perfect one. After a few hours of shopping in the heat and humidity we started getting tired and hungry and headed back to the ship. Let’s just say, I am SO GLAD I bought Crocs yesterday. Oh my holy Hannah. They sure paid off. We all ate lunch together at the Windjammer Marketplace before I went back to the room and crashed for a few hours. It’s so nice to take a nap in the middle of the day! I should try it more often.

Dinner was good tonight. I had a NY strip steak. With steak given as an option on your menu for your entree, always choose it. Normally I have steak, like, twice a year? I sure feel like I’m living the high life! During dinner our waiters all danced together, and then we all stood up and danced the Macarena. That was pretty funny to witness.

Our ship took off right as dinner was ending and I immediately got a little sea sick. For some reason the ship is rocking a lot more tonight, and my stomach isn’t liking it. I fell asleep after dinner to see if that would help my stomach, and completely slept through the scavenger hunt show that I wanted to go to. I’m sitting on my bed writing this, and my stomach is not havin’ a good time. Bleh…

Tomorrow we’re stopping in Belize! More to come soon…

1 comment:

julia said...

I'm a little jealous!! Can we join you? I want to see pictures!