Day five, Jan 11:
Not a whole lot to report today, so you’ll have to bear with me. We were at sea all day, and had several activities to choose from on the ship. Reva and I were going to wake up early and watch the sun rise over the ocean, so we requested a wake-up call to ensure we got up in time. Well, the wake-up call happened but it didn’t motivate us to wake up. We fell back asleep…a few hours later our phone rang again, and it was Erika letting us know that our group was getting our picture taken and they were waiting for us. We slapped our “Keith and Lara, January 2008” shirts on and practically ran to the area where the picture was to be taken. I’ve never gotten ready in the morning so fast in my life, except for the few times I’ve woken up late and was almost late for work. That’s beside the point…
After the picture, Reva, Erika, Kandis, and I all went to the Windjammer Marketplace and had lunch. Our assistant waiter for dinner was also our waiter for lunch. He’s the nicest guy ever. He’s very good about remembering our names. He speaks Spanish and talks to Kandis in Spanish whenever he sees her. I tried to speak the few words I know in Spanish to him, but I think I just made a fool out of myself…as usual.
Last night in the library, Cade took all of our digital cameras and put all our pictures onto his computer. After lunch, a few of us met in the conference center to look at all the pictures on a projector screen. We had a few technical difficulties, and instead of looking at the pictures, we watched several episodes of THE OFFICE! What more can I ask for? A cruise and The Office. I was absolutely in heaven. I even made a new boyfriend. His name is Dallin, and he’s six months old. He’s the happiest baby I’ve ever seen and I think he really loves me. Good thing, because that’s as close to getting a boyfriend as I think I’ll ever get. He’s the photographer’s son, and they were happy to let me play with him for a while. I love babies!
For dinner we ate lobster, shrimp, and a delicious sampler dessert. Our waiters all sang for us, and I have to admit, it was a little sad saying goodbye to them. The staff on this ship are the nicest people. They are so friendly and caring…maybe they just want big tips…it worked.
Cade got the pictures to work on his laptop, so after dinner we watched some of the 2,000 pictures that have been taken. I can’t wait to get all of those on CD.
Well, I’ve enjoyed writing this blog, and I hope you’ve enjoyed reading it. I hope you all get the chance to go on a cruise someday. It is an amazing experience and it makes you feel like a million bucks. Adios, for now!
Just reading about it made me sad to think it is over. I will miss you at dinner each night. Man, I had to cook tonight. That is just not right. But it is good to be home. LOVED hanging with you. I just hope that some day I may move up the "Aunt ladder." I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed reading your blog. Keep it up. I will be checking on you!!! We had a great trip home with Riva. She is a blast and we are all so glad we got to meet her. Love to you.
OK, first I have to say Aunt Ellen is really trying to move up the AUNT LADDER!!!! No seriously, I love your blog Malena!! It makes me really jealous that you went on this cruise without us!! When is the next one scheduled for? We will definitely be there!!! XOXOXOXOX
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