Friday, March 28, 2008

Some pre-"diet" photos

I wanted to post some 'before' pictures, so I can show my progress. These pictures aren't exactly easy for me to look at...but it makes me feel GREAT to know that I don't really look like this anymore. Enjoy!
P.S.-Stay tuned...I have a really good blog that I'm in the process of writing. It's called "Dieting & The Book of Mormon". Oh yeah, be excited.

At work after the Stapler in Jello prank that was played on me

My roommates

Pretending to be my boss on Halloween

With my rommate, Aubrie, at the Mesa Temple lights for Christmas

At the beach in Ft. Lauderdale (right before the cruise!)


Our Family said...

Hooray for the new blog! I can't WAIT!!! You are SO awesome Malena!!!

AD said...

SO glad that you are continuing to have great success. And what a fun trip to San Fran. I am thrilled that you are having such positive experiences.

Kandis said...

Great job! You're totally awesome and it's fun reading more about your successes! If you need another travel buddy when you go to DC just let me know!

Diane said...

I tried really hard to see what was on your bulletin board at work to see if an 8X10 of me was on it!! You look very business like and professional at your desk. I would like to see the stapler in the jello. You guys have too much time at work!!!