Monday, February 18, 2008

Counselors and Dieticians

Another good week, and lots to report!

First off, I lost another 1.8 pounds. 5.4 pounds total! The weight is coming off slowly, but that's not a problem!

On Tuesday I met with a counselor for the first time. I was a little nervous, but after just talking to him for a few minutes, I felt at ease. We came up with two things we're going to focus on in the coming weeks-two things that I feel are the biggest obstacles I am facing. I am extremely optimistic about overcoming these two things, and I know with all the help and support I am getting from people, and from Heavenly Father, I will succeed.

Today I met with a Dietician. Our meeting was PERFECT. It answered every question I had about my current 'diet' (which is eating in moderation). I'm finally ready to have a structured eating schedule, and hopefully that will speed up the weight loss. She told me that although I am on the right track (eating wise), I'm not eating enough during the day (who has ever heard of such a thing?!). Now that I know what I'm doing, everything is going to go so much better. She also told me that I need to get some blood work done, and that the last time I had blood work done, I was borderline diabetic. Not a pleasant thought...Good thing I'm losing weight and getting rid of my health problems!

The motivational song for the week is something I heard for the first time last week. I tried looking up a video for it on YouTube, but was only able find one. It's a sad video about a little girl who has Cerebral Palsy, but if you focus on the lyrics, you'll be able to understand why I chose that song. The lyrics are PERFECT.
"God Doesn't Make Mistakes" by Carolyn Dawn Johnson


Kandis said...

Yes! I can't believe I'm the first to comment this week! Anyway, I'm glad the meetings went well and you like the counselor and would be a long road working with people that you don't respect or wouldn't listen to their advice. I'm so glad you've been able to keep up the momentum and lose 3 weeks in a row! That's awesome!! I'm trying to think of any words of wisdom or anything but I'm coming up with a seems like you've got the determination already! Keep up the good work and have another fabulous week!

Erika Bassett said...

Way to go Malena! Looks like another successful week! I keep hoping that there might be something motivational I can share with you but it's always been the continue to motivate me. I love the different songs you find. That's my first time hearing that song & I absolutely love it! You're right it has a great message! A part that definitely runs through my mind at times is "wish that some miracle would change me" but I love the part that says "I'm always gonna be a better me than anyone else". It's a great reminder that I am who I am for a reason. Thanks for being you!

Liz, in New York said...

Hey Malena, it's cousin Liz. I followed this link from my sister's blog and I was so thrilled to hear what you're up to. I love your positive attitude and your humility and your willingness to work "from the inside, out." It seems as though you're putting all the pieces together for absolute success. I think that you are totally inspiring. KEEP IT UP and please know you have a pal here in New York rooting for you! You are awesome!

Diane said...

Your least favorite aunt is so proud of you. Your attitude is just so motivating. How are those latin dances coming along? I miss you from the cruise. Hope to see you soon.