Sunday, May 25, 2008

Coming Soon...

This blog entry it to let you know of a blog entry which is upcoming, but not yet completed.

Thanks to my faithful, and oh-so devoted readers (*cough*cademelaniesharla*cough*), I have been warned that if I don't update my blog, I will be disowned from the family...seriously.

Here's to family threats!



Kandis said...

It's a good thing you posted the update! Where have you been girl! Glad to see that you haven't completely given up on the blog though. Your last post was so motivating and inspirational that you left me wanting more!

Diane said...

You're killing me. Get with it girl.

Our Family said...

Lucky me, lucky me!! I already KNOW about your next blog post. Nya-Nya-Nya-Nya-Nya.....

um, you're probably never going to tell me another one of your secrets again..are you. Sorry, but it was SO fun to see you in person and SO fun to get the inside scoop....okay, and SO fun rubbing it in. :)

Love you MALENA, keep it up! You're SO AWESOME!!!