My reason for mentioning the things above is to explain why I’ve been able to lose weight. My hope is that someone can read this blog, become inspired and motivated, and begin their own journey. There are so many things I am doing differently with my current weight loss endeavor, and those things have made all the difference. I believe that I at where I am today because of the things that I have done personally to prepare for this journey. When I began reading The Book of Mormon and praying, I had no intentions of losing weight (even though I knew I needed to), in fact, it was pretty much the furthest thing from my mind at that time. As my relationship with my Heavenly Father grew, so did my desire to change several things in my life. One thing I’ve always wanted to do was to become more social, and with the help of wonderful roommates and friends, I now attend all the church activities I can, and I actually talk to other people. I try to sit with people I don’t know at church, and I frequently invite people over to the house (mainly to watch The Office… :). Weight loss just came along as a side thought one day, and without hesitation, I decided that was the direction I needed to go. The things that I started to learn about myself, and about my habits were so profound, that I decided to document it. Hence, the birth of a new blogger.
Every night I pray for strength with several things. I recognize that I can’t make any progress without the help of my Heavenly Father, and so I ask him to help me with specific things I struggle with. I used to have terrible cravings, and now I find those same things repulsive. I was just reading a talk from October 2007 General Conference by Elder Bruce D. Porter titled A Broken Heart and a Contrite Spirit. I line in that talk really stuck out to me: “When we yield our hearts to the Lord, the attractions of the world simply lost their luster.” I’m sure this statement can apply to several different things, but I felt like it really applied to my situation. I am praying to the Lord to help with my cravings, and now those things I used to crave have simply lost their luster. Amazing, eh?
I find that when I am reading The Book of Mormon, I come across verses that really stick out. It’s almost like they were put in there to help me, because they really have. Here are a few of my favorites:
2 Nephi 32:9 “But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul.”
Jacob 3:1 “But behold, I, Jacob, would speak unto you that are pure in heart. Look unto God with firmness of mind, and pray unto him with exceeding faith, and he will console you in your afflictions…”
Jacob 3:11 “O my brethren, hearken unto my words; arouse the faculties of your souls; shake yourselves that ye may awake from the slumber of death; and loose yourselves from the pains of hell that ye may not become angels to the devil, to be cast into that lake of fire and brimstone which is the second death.”
Mosiah 10:11 What not to do: “Now, the Lamanites knew nothing concerning the Lord, nor the strength of the Lord, therefore they depended upon their own strength. Yet they were a strong people, as to the strength of men.”
Enos 1:15 “…I cried unto him continually, for he had said unto me: Whatsoever thing ye shall ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive in the name of Christ, ye shall receive it.”
Now, I know that some of the scriptures might warrant an explanation, and that is something I will provide upon request. Each of these scriptures spoke to me at a certain point in my journey, and they aided in allowing me to overcome some type of obstacle. There are so many things pertaining to the Gospel that have helped me, and I wish I could list them all, but I’m afraid this blog would be never ending.
In closing, I am grateful for the trials I have faced in my life, they have only served to make me stronger. I know that if I’m looking for help with things in my life, I make sure that I have the important things in my life in order, and the help will come. It may not be in a way I want, or in a way I initially recognize, but it always comes. Again, I did not begin these small changes in my life with the hope of greater things coming about, but they did, and for that I am very grateful. It’s been six glorious months, and I’m in this for the eternal haul (if you will). I’ve lost 20.6 pounds so far and I’m loving life.

Malena! That was AMAZING and SOOOO inspiring! Thank you so much for such a wonderful post. I will refer back to this one many times in my life I can already tell. You are incredible and I can't wait to meet the "new you" someday! :)
Keep it up, you're doing SO GREAT!!
Wow, Malena. That truly was beautiful. What a wonderful explanation of how the spirit can work in our lives to remind us who we really are and of the good things we are capable of. You are totally inspiring! Keep it up!
Wow, I'm loving this blog. The Book of Mormon became my foundation when I decided to change my life too. When I read it every morning (even if I only have time for a verse), my life is better and I continue forward toward every-increasing dimensions of light and joy. For a full year Alma 7:23 was my mantra--I memorized it and cited it before praying, then asked specifically for what I needed both temporally and spiritually, and made an effort to be very conscious of and give thanks for the tender mercies I received. You have been in my prayers night and morning... and still will be! Now I can give thanks for another prayer answered!
I wish you lived closer to me so I could get you to be a motivational speaker for my Young Women. It's funny that we have something right under our nose for years and don't realize how life altering it could be. And then we wake up to it one day and wonder how we missed it. Your testimony was yet another way we see that it is by small and simple things that great things come about. The gospel has the answer to all of lifes questions and problems, yet because it is so simple people look for more complicated ways to solve problems. 30 years ago I had a Bishop promise the Ward that if we read the Book of Mormon daily we would be given the strength we needed to survive this world. I believed him and have read it daily since then. My life has been changed dramatically. I love that Book, and all those who wrote it. I am so inspired by your words. Thank you for writing about your feelings.
I've had some of those same inspirational feelings in my life...after reading this, I felt rather refreshed :) You are a great inspiration!
Love you!!! I'm so proud of you Malena. You are making a difference... not only in your life, but in the life of many.
Props Malena for making these major changes in your life. Just remember these are life choices and must be adhered to each day. Life is better with discipline. Daily exercise, scripture reading, healthy eating, and Sudoku are all important to bringing balance and healthy living. You can eat dessert again every day when we go on the next cruise. When is that again?
Thanks for that beautiful testimony, Malena. You are truly a wonderful person.
I enjoyed reading your thoughts and seeing your progress. It's funny, but in my head you're still about 2 years old, wearing gobs of ruffles and golden curls, twirling around just because you were 2 and full of joy. It sounds like you are finding that joy again! I'm so glad!
Malena~I always enjoy reading your blog! I also know that each time I do that I'll be motivated to keep moving in the right direction. I totally hear ya on the list of scriptures that stand out...I have a list of my own. The Book of Mormon truly is an amazing book! I'm so happy for you and your progress! Keep it up! TTFN!
I am headed to Moon's today.
[our local LDS bookstore]
I have been praying about the weight I gained the past three years and knew I would be led to help -
sooo glad I found you and your blog.
GREAT Job. Congartulations to you and Thank you for the inspiring post.
Oh man.! Now you have inspired me to lose weight AND read the Book of Mormon, way to go...dangit. ;)
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