Friday, April 16, 2010

Week in review

As promised, I'm reporting back on making it to work on time this week.

I made 4 out of 5 days right on the dot. Thursday morning, I discovered my route to work was blocked off due to construction, so I had to take an alternate route. Despite leaving home 10 minutes early, I still clocked in one minute late! Lame! Well, I can always improve next week.

Because I've started waking up earlier, I've been able to sneak in a quick breakfast nearly every morning (where the smoothie recipe request came from), which really made my whole working day better.

To end my week, my boss, on his way out for the week, dropped off two movie tickets at my desk. What a great week! Small changes yield the greatest results :)

I've neglected my ritual of catching up on all your blogs. Off I go to read, read, read!

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