Friday, April 9, 2010

Blegh!, cont.

Anaise brought up a good point in the comments of yesterday's blog.

Why don't I start a garden? Here's why:

That's the extent of my "garden". I'd also like to note that this picture was taken on the day these flowers were planted (they were pre-grown) and within 2 weeks, they were all dead.

What is one to do when they don't have the room for a garden? Or obviously not blessed with a green thumb?

I'm stuck eating grocery store produce :(


Anaise said...

Go to the library (or get online) and enter the search words 'container garden.' You'll get a jillion hits and you can grow a garden in pots on your patio.

Then you have to water it. :)

Kelly said...

It looks pretty! Now you just need to put some nice patio furniture out there so we can barbecue! lol!