Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Part 2: American Idol, according to Malena

Another week, another set of mediocre singers.

I feel a sad Andrew absence. When all 7 remaining contestants walked out on stage when the show started, I shead a hypothetical tear. Oh well, he had his chance!

Casey - He had no stage presence tonight. I want to see him walking around on stage, jamming! He stood in one spot the whole time and tried to be animated doing only that. It doesn't work that way! The song was good, no complaints there. Maybe a liiiiitle bit more UMPH?

Lee - I love how when he looks at the camera, it's like he's looking through your SOUL. I love it! He looked specially handsome tonight. He's just...mmm! OK, focus Malena. Interesting song choice. Mixed feelings? I give it a 7 out of 10. He was horribly out of tune at the end, but good chorus.

Tim - I'm writing this as he's talking about the song he's about to sing. Thing is, I LOVE THIS SONG. He'd better not mess it up. I'll keel him. 30 seconds later: Keel me. He butchered it. Out of tune, BORING, and no soul. Send him HOOOOOOME! Next.

Aaron - Again, writing this before I hear the performance. It's a great song and he's sounding great in the practice...
Best performance EVER, and I don't even like him! I was very impressed. A couple out of tune spots, but overall very nice. I'll keep him another week!

Siobhan - Meh. She tried WAY too hard. Watching her face contort was actually kind of painful. The high, long note was the only good part about the performance.

Michael - Not quite sure how this song qualifies as an inspirational song. Just because it has the word Hero in it doesn't mean it's a positive song. Odd. Anyway, very weird performance. I didn't really like it! He does a really good job with soulful songs, but everything else falls short, in my opinion. Not a good night for him.

Crystal - I got temporarily distracted during her performance by stalking a TV personality online. Whoops!
Very good performance. Even the crying at the end was OK! 9/10. I think she'll win...

Until next week. Well, the AI part, at least.

Love you all!

1 comment:

Kelleen said...

I agree with most of what you said. I think that inspirational songs is a hard category and for some reason most songs come out hokey, no matter how good you are.

I really like Aaron amazingly enough and Lee, Krystal was really good as always. I liked Michael a lot, since I like that song.

Tim has got to go! Oh my gosh when I heard the first line I knew he was going to screw it up! He better go home this week. Him or Siobhan, I'm not really picky!