Sunday, April 18, 2010

Goals for the week of April 19

I like this weekly goal thing I started last week!

This week, on top of getting to work on time, I'm going to focus on eating a full breakfast. This includes a dairy, starch, fat, and protein serving.

Any meal ideas that would include all of those items?

1 comment:

Anaise said...

Well a bowl of cereal sure fits the criteria you outlined! Milk works for the dairy, fat, and protein and the cereal is the starch.

A smoothie and a piece of toast can fill that bill, too.

A bagel and a piece of cheese can do it, too.

You don't need a "full" breakfast to get what you need nutritionally!

I'd simplify your requirements to some protein for staying power and some carbs for energy. Then almost anything goes and you'll feel good!