Monday, May 17, 2010


Maybe Sunday naps aren't such a good idea. After all the festivities last night, I was so exhausted I took a SMALL one hour nap. It is now 1:15am and I'm not even a little bit tired. Or maybe it was the massive Dr. Pepper I had. Hm.

Welcome to the beginning of a new week :) Lets hope it's a good one--one that doesn't involve being tragedy, job loss, or anything else that has plagued all our minds lately!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Naps can do that to me too, although when I went home last night I was really tired. But caffeine does nothing for me, so that's probably why... :)

P.S. I found out that the playoff game is on TNT, blah! So I guess I'm coming over later to watch it at your place. If I start screaming at points, ignore me lol.