It's ward campout time! I won't be blogging tomorrow. No internet---ahhh! I can't wait!
See you again Saturday :)Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
A little motivation for my sis :)
Motivation. That word is a curse word in my dictionary. I don't know how to define it, find it, hold on to it, and I sure as heck don't know how to spread it around. Those brief times in my life that I feel close to it, I find it ripped from my routine never to be found again for years. It's a harsh reality, and more than likely will be a life-long battle to even be able to say it outloud.
In an attempt to assist Katee, I've found a few things which will hopefully help her in her own journey.
An article by Marvin J. Ashton covered all different kinds of challenges, from physical addictions to mental obstacles. He says it best here.
2 Nephi 1:23: Awake, my sons; put on the armor of righteousness. Shake off the chains with which ye are bound, and come forth out of obscurity, and arise from the dust.
In an attempt to assist Katee, I've found a few things which will hopefully help her in her own journey.
An article by Marvin J. Ashton covered all different kinds of challenges, from physical addictions to mental obstacles. He says it best here.
2 Nephi 1:23: Awake, my sons; put on the armor of righteousness. Shake off the chains with which ye are bound, and come forth out of obscurity, and arise from the dust.
It's easy to fight when everything's right,
And you're
mad with the thrill and the glory;
It's easy to cheer when victory's near,
And wallow in fields that are gory.
It's a different song when
everything's wrong.
When you're feeling infernally mortal;
When it's ten
against one, and hope there is none,
Buck up, little soldier, and chortle:
Carry on! Carry on!
There isn't much punch in your blow.
glaring and staring and hitting out blind;
You're muddy and bloody, but
never mind.
Carry on! Carry on!
You haven't the ghost of a show.
It's looking like death, but while you've a breath,
Carry on, my son!
Carry on!
And so in the strife of the battle of life
It's easy to
fight when you're winning;
It's easy to slave, and starve and be brave,
When the dawn of success is beginning.
But the man who can meet despair
and defeat
With a cheer, there's a man of God's choosing;
The man who
can fight to Heaven's own height
Is the man who can fight when he's losing.
Carry on! Carry on!
Things never were looming so black.
But show
that you haven't a cowardly streak,
And though you're unlucky you never are
Carry on! Carry on!
Brace up for another attack.
It's looking
like hell, but - you never can tell;
Carry on, old man! Carry on!
There are some who drift out in the deserts of doubt,
And some who
in brutishness wallow;
There are others, I know, who in piety go
of a Heaven to follow.
But to labor with zest, and to give of your best,
For the sweetness and joy of the giving;
To help folks along with a hand
and a song;
Why, there's the real sunshine of living.
Carry on!
Carry on!
Fight the good fight and true;
Believe in you mission, greet
life with a cheer;
There's big work to do, and that's why you are here.
Carry on! Carry on!
Let the world be the better for you;
And at last
when you die, let this be your cry:
Carry on, my soul! Carry on!
Robert W. Service
"Think that it's fun, that you're guided, and that all is well. Think that there's time, that life is easy, and that the best is yet to come. Think that the reasons that elude you will one day catch up, that the lessons that stumped you will one day bring joy, and that the sorrows that have crippled you will soon give you wings. Think that you're important, that you cannot fail, and that happiness always returns. And think that you're beautiful."
--Robert Dooley
And if all else fails...
Love ya, sis :)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
And then there were 3...
Ah, another week, another round of MEH songs. Lets get right to it. I'm tired and want to go to bed :P
Casey - I LOVE THIS SONG. And Eric Hutchinson (the original singer). I'm nervous.
He was OK. It's not exactly a hard song. I'm pretty sure I've come close to American Idol status singing this song alone in my car on the way to work. I can't say I'm fully impressed, as it wasn't a difficult song to pull off. I need to go listen to the real thing now. I might post it below :)
Crystal - Such a cliche' song :/
Her harmonica is distracting. I distracted myself over to facebook, which means I wasn't too thrilled. I guess it was OK. I'm not a huge fan of the song in the first place, so I really have no say. Next!
Lee - *sigh*
Pitchy right off the bat. I've never heard this song before, but it was good. He got to use the raw parts of his voice, which is great :) Not too bad, but it didn't blow me away.
Casey - AWW! I love "Daughters" :) :)
I like the change-up. It wasn't completely the John Mayer version, which was nice! The problem is, John Mayer has such a powerful way of singing this song, and I just felt like he fell short on his attempt. His boredom for the song showed through in a bad way :(
Crystal - Oooo...interesting song choice!
Good energy. The middle of the song where she belted the song out was actually nice! She wasn't the cliche' yelly Crystal I've been so annoyed with lately. Nice job, dude!
Lee - I have no idea what this song is. Hm.
Oh my gosh...have I ever mentioned Lee is sexy? Well, tonight he proved it, yet again :) Aw, Mr. Sexypants got a little emotional :) I love it!
My money is on Lee :) Go Mr. SP!
Casey - I LOVE THIS SONG. And Eric Hutchinson (the original singer). I'm nervous.
He was OK. It's not exactly a hard song. I'm pretty sure I've come close to American Idol status singing this song alone in my car on the way to work. I can't say I'm fully impressed, as it wasn't a difficult song to pull off. I need to go listen to the real thing now. I might post it below :)
Crystal - Such a cliche' song :/
Her harmonica is distracting. I distracted myself over to facebook, which means I wasn't too thrilled. I guess it was OK. I'm not a huge fan of the song in the first place, so I really have no say. Next!
Lee - *sigh*
Pitchy right off the bat. I've never heard this song before, but it was good. He got to use the raw parts of his voice, which is great :) Not too bad, but it didn't blow me away.
Casey - AWW! I love "Daughters" :) :)
I like the change-up. It wasn't completely the John Mayer version, which was nice! The problem is, John Mayer has such a powerful way of singing this song, and I just felt like he fell short on his attempt. His boredom for the song showed through in a bad way :(
Crystal - Oooo...interesting song choice!
Good energy. The middle of the song where she belted the song out was actually nice! She wasn't the cliche' yelly Crystal I've been so annoyed with lately. Nice job, dude!
Lee - I have no idea what this song is. Hm.
Oh my gosh...have I ever mentioned Lee is sexy? Well, tonight he proved it, yet again :) Aw, Mr. Sexypants got a little emotional :) I love it!
My money is on Lee :) Go Mr. SP!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Bad night
I'm too depressed to blog tonight. My poor Suns lost, miserably. Blah!
I'm going to attempt to donate plasma again tomorrow after work. Wish me luck! I need the $$$!
I'm going to attempt to donate plasma again tomorrow after work. Wish me luck! I need the $$$!
Maybe Sunday naps aren't such a good idea. After all the festivities last night, I was so exhausted I took a SMALL one hour nap. It is now 1:15am and I'm not even a little bit tired. Or maybe it was the massive Dr. Pepper I had. Hm.
Welcome to the beginning of a new week :) Lets hope it's a good one--one that doesn't involve being tragedy, job loss, or anything else that has plagued all our minds lately!
Welcome to the beginning of a new week :) Lets hope it's a good one--one that doesn't involve being tragedy, job loss, or anything else that has plagued all our minds lately!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
My night as a designated driver
You know how they always say you need to find things out for yourself rather than rely on someone else's experiences? Tonight was that night.
I agreed to go out with some coworkers tonight for a bachelorette party. The plan was to go to dinner and a club. I've never been to a club before, and had personally never wanted to, but I said yes.
Dinner was good. The club was OK. All my time was spent people watching, which is usually fun, but not when you see girls provocatively dressed and guys grinding up on them. Yikes. My friends all got drunk, which I was expecting. I proudly wore the bright green "Designated Driver" wristband and sat off to the side the whole time.
Why is it so hard to convince people not to drive home drunk? I tried to made sure beforehand that everyone had rides arranged, and half the people said, "I'll be fine. I'll only drink a little bit." Yeah, sure...
I drove two people to their car a few miles away, but they insisted they were fine to drive home. How do I stop them? It's so frustrating!!!
I'm so glad clubs and booze aren't my scene. It was nice to get out of the house, but I cannot see myself ever being in that situation again. Why do people do it?
I agreed to go out with some coworkers tonight for a bachelorette party. The plan was to go to dinner and a club. I've never been to a club before, and had personally never wanted to, but I said yes.
Dinner was good. The club was OK. All my time was spent people watching, which is usually fun, but not when you see girls provocatively dressed and guys grinding up on them. Yikes. My friends all got drunk, which I was expecting. I proudly wore the bright green "Designated Driver" wristband and sat off to the side the whole time.
Why is it so hard to convince people not to drive home drunk? I tried to made sure beforehand that everyone had rides arranged, and half the people said, "I'll be fine. I'll only drink a little bit." Yeah, sure...
I drove two people to their car a few miles away, but they insisted they were fine to drive home. How do I stop them? It's so frustrating!!!
I'm so glad clubs and booze aren't my scene. It was nice to get out of the house, but I cannot see myself ever being in that situation again. Why do people do it?
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution
Does anyone watch this show? *coughCAMILLEcough*
I've had all the episodes on my DVR for a few weeks and finally decided to watch one. One turned in to two, and two turned in to me crying and laughing and nearly throwing up.
How can a kid think a tomato is a potato? Or not recognize broccoli? Or not know french fries come from potatoes? It's so sad!
Please chime in if you're a regular viewer of this show. I need to have some venting buddies, because I cannot believe the things they showed and I'm so disgusted processed food has taken over the world.
I'm certainly not the poster-child for healthy eating, but if anything motivates me to change, it's seeing real life proof and witnessing how something so small can destroy your body and mentality.
Watching how disgusting school food has become makes me want to go binge on celery and apples. How can we feed our kids this crap? Better yet, why aren't we doing anything about it?
I've had all the episodes on my DVR for a few weeks and finally decided to watch one. One turned in to two, and two turned in to me crying and laughing and nearly throwing up.
How can a kid think a tomato is a potato? Or not recognize broccoli? Or not know french fries come from potatoes? It's so sad!
Please chime in if you're a regular viewer of this show. I need to have some venting buddies, because I cannot believe the things they showed and I'm so disgusted processed food has taken over the world.
I'm certainly not the poster-child for healthy eating, but if anything motivates me to change, it's seeing real life proof and witnessing how something so small can destroy your body and mentality.
Watching how disgusting school food has become makes me want to go binge on celery and apples. How can we feed our kids this crap? Better yet, why aren't we doing anything about it?
Thursday, May 13, 2010
My Scottie manacotti turned 12 today!
It all started 12 years ago today.
I was in middle school, 7th grade. Katee was in 8th. We had two sisters that were expecting and anxiously awaiting the arrival of the first unknown-gender baby :)
I was on my way to art class with Mr. Winget, and Katee excitedly stopped me in the hall to tell me the good news.
Natalie had her baby! And it was a boy! And his name is Scott!
"Who names their kid Scott?!" I said :) I then went in to class and proclaimed I had become and aunt for the first time today. Can you tell I was proud?
Fast forward 12 years later, and my Scottie-boy is now old enough to pass the sacrement and enter young mens! Instead of the traditional birthday call, I texted him! Poor kid has a cell phone. I never thought I'd see the day!
I was in middle school, 7th grade. Katee was in 8th. We had two sisters that were expecting and anxiously awaiting the arrival of the first unknown-gender baby :)
I was on my way to art class with Mr. Winget, and Katee excitedly stopped me in the hall to tell me the good news.
Natalie had her baby! And it was a boy! And his name is Scott!
"Who names their kid Scott?!" I said :) I then went in to class and proclaimed I had become and aunt for the first time today. Can you tell I was proud?
Fast forward 12 years later, and my Scottie-boy is now old enough to pass the sacrement and enter young mens! Instead of the traditional birthday call, I texted him! Poor kid has a cell phone. I never thought I'd see the day!
Happy Birthday, Scottie potty!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
AI Top 4!
Welcome back to another week of reviewing the show that no one cares about anymore, but takes up space on my DVR so I feel obligated to watch :)
Lee - When he sang in the rehearsal, I thought I might die. Have I ever mentioned he's very, very, very good looking? I'm pretty sure he's singing to me when he looks so lovingly at the camera :) I love this song!
I think the song was great for him, but it was very safe. I loved the rough parts of the song, but the rest was just OK. He missed the UMPH factor. It could have been much more creative!
Michael - What is this song from?! It sounds so familiar. It sounds a bit too gospel, which I guess isn't such a bad thing. Good vocals. Very predictable--he needs to branch out more!
Lee & Crystal - What a great combo! I liked 90% of it, but they seemed a little flat in some parts. Maybe they were trying to harmonize too hard. Hm. P.S. I've never seen Lee smile that big :D
Casey - Whoa, weird rehearsal. Not thrilled with the song choice as it's a very boring, flat song. We'll see.
Is it just me or does his hair look crimped? His vocals were good, but I didn't feel the song at all. There's just no range in it. Meh.
Crystal - I think I'm a little Crysal'ed out. Her voice is a bit nails-on-the-chalkboard-ey now. It's a good song and the vocals were great, but I think I'm over her powerful-ish voice. 6/10.
Casey & Mike - Ah! I love this song! Don't mess it up!
Great guitar playing from Casey. I was impressed. Not the greatest mix of voices, but good vocals. Well done!
Ellen's joke at the end sealed the whole show! "As a matter of fact, yes, I have loved a woman."
Lee - When he sang in the rehearsal, I thought I might die. Have I ever mentioned he's very, very, very good looking? I'm pretty sure he's singing to me when he looks so lovingly at the camera :) I love this song!
I think the song was great for him, but it was very safe. I loved the rough parts of the song, but the rest was just OK. He missed the UMPH factor. It could have been much more creative!
Michael - What is this song from?! It sounds so familiar. It sounds a bit too gospel, which I guess isn't such a bad thing. Good vocals. Very predictable--he needs to branch out more!
Lee & Crystal - What a great combo! I liked 90% of it, but they seemed a little flat in some parts. Maybe they were trying to harmonize too hard. Hm. P.S. I've never seen Lee smile that big :D
Casey - Whoa, weird rehearsal. Not thrilled with the song choice as it's a very boring, flat song. We'll see.
Is it just me or does his hair look crimped? His vocals were good, but I didn't feel the song at all. There's just no range in it. Meh.
Crystal - I think I'm a little Crysal'ed out. Her voice is a bit nails-on-the-chalkboard-ey now. It's a good song and the vocals were great, but I think I'm over her powerful-ish voice. 6/10.
Casey & Mike - Ah! I love this song! Don't mess it up!
Great guitar playing from Casey. I was impressed. Not the greatest mix of voices, but good vocals. Well done!
Ellen's joke at the end sealed the whole show! "As a matter of fact, yes, I have loved a woman."
Monday, May 10, 2010
Second failure
I'm so discouraged.
I donated plasma again tonight and got about 95% of the way done, and my veins collapsed! The tech messed around with the needle in my arm a few times and I immediately got sick. UGH! The last time I went in, they told me if I had a lightheaded episode again, they'd permanently defer me from donating plasma again!
I asked the people there what the verdict was, but they said the staff doctor (who wasn't there at the time) would have the final say if I got to donate again. This is so sad!
I drank so much water today I thought I was going to die. Seriously. I made myself sick with water! I didn't even know that was possible!
I donated plasma again tonight and got about 95% of the way done, and my veins collapsed! The tech messed around with the needle in my arm a few times and I immediately got sick. UGH! The last time I went in, they told me if I had a lightheaded episode again, they'd permanently defer me from donating plasma again!
I asked the people there what the verdict was, but they said the staff doctor (who wasn't there at the time) would have the final say if I got to donate again. This is so sad!
I drank so much water today I thought I was going to die. Seriously. I made myself sick with water! I didn't even know that was possible!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
I was finally able to donate plasma again on Friday night. It took nearly 3 hours, but I finished! My veins collapsed a few times and the phlebotamist said it was because I need to drink more water.
My goal tonight is to drink 2 liters of water before bed. Luckily I don't care about waking up to go pee, but I hope I can make it through the night without a stomach ache. Blah! Sometimes water tastes so gross.
Anyone have any tips for how to down lots of water? I usually drink double the amount I usually do when I'm drinking it with a meal--that's the only tip I can think of.
Check out my battle scar!
My goal tonight is to drink 2 liters of water before bed. Luckily I don't care about waking up to go pee, but I hope I can make it through the night without a stomach ache. Blah! Sometimes water tastes so gross.
Anyone have any tips for how to down lots of water? I usually drink double the amount I usually do when I'm drinking it with a meal--that's the only tip I can think of.
Check out my battle scar!
I hope all you mothers had a great mother's day! Yesterday was my 100th blog post :)
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to all you current and future mothers out there!
Even I, the fur-mama, got a happy mother's day from my little fella :)
P.S. My mom can beat up your mom. True story. I love you, mom! :)
Even I, the fur-mama, got a happy mother's day from my little fella :)
P.S. My mom can beat up your mom. True story. I love you, mom! :)
Friday, May 7, 2010
Strawberry Coconut Cake
I promised a bunch of people I'd post this recipe after making it last night and taking it in to work. I hope someone duplicates it and lets me know how it turns out!
2 1/2 c. flour
2 t. baking powder
1 t. baking soda
1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk
1 c. fresh puree'd strawberries
2 T. sugar (optional)
2 t. vanilla
1 c. melted butter
1/2 c. shredded coconut
Mix all ingredients together well. Mixture will be thick and cookie-like.
Liberally spray a bundt cake pan with non-stick cooking spray. Sprinkle extra coconut inside the empty pan, evenly and lightly covering all the sides and bottom of the pan. Carefully spoon batter into the pan, so as to keep the coconut along the sides.
Bake at 325 for 20-30 minutes, or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.
Allow to cool completely on a rack before frosting.
The frosting I used was a mixture of puree'd strawberries, cream cheese, powdered sugar, white chocolate, and vanilla. Sprinkle fresh coconut on top of the frosted cake.
I made this recipe up!!! So happy :)
2 1/2 c. flour
2 t. baking powder
1 t. baking soda
1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk
1 c. fresh puree'd strawberries
2 T. sugar (optional)
2 t. vanilla
1 c. melted butter
1/2 c. shredded coconut
Mix all ingredients together well. Mixture will be thick and cookie-like.
Liberally spray a bundt cake pan with non-stick cooking spray. Sprinkle extra coconut inside the empty pan, evenly and lightly covering all the sides and bottom of the pan. Carefully spoon batter into the pan, so as to keep the coconut along the sides.
Bake at 325 for 20-30 minutes, or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.
Allow to cool completely on a rack before frosting.
The frosting I used was a mixture of puree'd strawberries, cream cheese, powdered sugar, white chocolate, and vanilla. Sprinkle fresh coconut on top of the frosted cake.
I made this recipe up!!! So happy :)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
A little Sinatra, a little Connick Jr.--I'm in heaven!
Two of the best romantic singers ever. I have to preface by saying I know my Sinatra. I have most of his CD's and I know nearly every song word-for-word. I love him! I will be sincerely crushed if these "singers" don't do him justice. He is and always will be my favorite :)
These top 5 had better not blow it! Here goes nothing...
Aaron - Bahaha! I love the cute little man-suit.
No. No. No. No. NO. Fly Me To The Garbage! That's such a big and LOUD song, and there was NO UMPH. Boooooo! He had no energy. Send him home.
Is Lee on yet? Come on!
Casey - Whew. Horribly out of tune at the beginning. I appreciate the fact that he's picking a different tempo of song than he has before. The song totally didn't do it for me--it was just awkward from beginning to end! Maybe I'm just a Sinatra snob. I'm not sure :)
Crystal - Hm. Halfway through and I'm not quite sure how I feel. The band is ROCKIN' awesome! I love me some good trumpet playing!
Crystal...right. Kind of OK. Nothing really stuck out to me as great, but it wasn't throwing tomatoes bad. Meh.
Mike - One of my top 3 favorite Sinatra songs. Whewwwww!
Pitchy. Not what I was expecting! The chorus came together, but I wasn't as thrilled as I thought I would be given he's a jazz-y singer. 7/10.
Lee - Lee + Frank Sinatra = HOLY CREPES. I love it already...I totally cracked up when Harry said he looks like a younger version of him. Hilarious! I'm excited after listening to the raw version in the coaching session...
FREAKIN' AWESOME! I loved it! I felt like I was actually listening to a CD. He was in tune, on tempo, and had a great balance with the band. Hands down, the winner for the evening. GO LEE!
These top 5 had better not blow it! Here goes nothing...
Aaron - Bahaha! I love the cute little man-suit.
No. No. No. No. NO. Fly Me To The Garbage! That's such a big and LOUD song, and there was NO UMPH. Boooooo! He had no energy. Send him home.
Is Lee on yet? Come on!
Casey - Whew. Horribly out of tune at the beginning. I appreciate the fact that he's picking a different tempo of song than he has before. The song totally didn't do it for me--it was just awkward from beginning to end! Maybe I'm just a Sinatra snob. I'm not sure :)
Crystal - Hm. Halfway through and I'm not quite sure how I feel. The band is ROCKIN' awesome! I love me some good trumpet playing!
Crystal...right. Kind of OK. Nothing really stuck out to me as great, but it wasn't throwing tomatoes bad. Meh.
Mike - One of my top 3 favorite Sinatra songs. Whewwwww!
Pitchy. Not what I was expecting! The chorus came together, but I wasn't as thrilled as I thought I would be given he's a jazz-y singer. 7/10.
Lee - Lee + Frank Sinatra = HOLY CREPES. I love it already...I totally cracked up when Harry said he looks like a younger version of him. Hilarious! I'm excited after listening to the raw version in the coaching session...
FREAKIN' AWESOME! I loved it! I felt like I was actually listening to a CD. He was in tune, on tempo, and had a great balance with the band. Hands down, the winner for the evening. GO LEE!
Monday, May 3, 2010
'In the criminal justice system..."
Is it bad when you had 121 episodes of Law & Order: SVU on your DVR and 2 weeks later you only have 19? Whoops.
I think I'm addicted. I'm even watching it as we speak.

I think I got it from my mom. I remember watching TV with her when I was younger and as soon as Law & Order came on, the whole house had to be quiet so she didn't miss any of the episode. Thanks a lot, mom! You're an enable to my addiction :)
Back-blogging: Yes, Aunt Judy, I did the red blood text on purpose! Plasma can be donated every two days, no more than twice in a 7 day period. I'm going again tomorrow after work :)
I think I'm addicted. I'm even watching it as we speak.

I think I got it from my mom. I remember watching TV with her when I was younger and as soon as Law & Order came on, the whole house had to be quiet so she didn't miss any of the episode. Thanks a lot, mom! You're an enable to my addiction :)
Back-blogging: Yes, Aunt Judy, I did the red blood text on purpose! Plasma can be donated every two days, no more than twice in a 7 day period. I'm going again tomorrow after work :)
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